Brief Bio
I am a PhD student in Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), under the chair of Prof. Bernd R. Noack.
My PhD project is "Aerodynamic optimization for greener transport vehicles and energy systems with machine learning and first principles".
My research focuses on three key problems for turbulence control:
1. Deal with the curse of dimensionality with the increase of the control parameter/function space;
2. Improve the adaptivity of machine learning methods under the varying operating condition;
3. Simplify the optimized control for engineering robustness.
- 2022.12-2023.03 I visited Hermann Föttinger Institute at Technical University of Berlin invited by Prof. Oliver Paschereit.
- 2022.10 I was awarded by the "National Scholarship for PhD".
- 2020.09.01 PhD candidate, Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
- 2020.04.18 Master, Shanghai Automotive Wind Tunnel Center (SAWTC), Tongji Univisity